In today's time everything is now done online. What happend to the old days of going to the library to do research in books? Now we just go to the library to use the computers for reasearch. Looking at the assignments for my college classes, so much of them consist of making something on the internet, I know technology is a good thing and I am all for new ways to improve our school systems, but at times I just feel so overwhelmed with all this technology! When it comes to using the computer I just know the basic things I need to know, so at times with all the assignments that we are doing I just feel like a fish out of water. I have to remind myself to just take baby steps and to breath. Like as I was doing my portaportal I felt like I knew what I was doing and I had it down, but seeing the grade I was so wrong! If I can get the hang of this technology stuff then I know I will try to use it in my classroom.
With all this talk about incorporating technology into the classrooms it seems to me teachers should have some kind of degree in technology so they will be prepared for anything that comes their way.
Hope everyone is having an awesome day!
I know that technology can be ovewhelming but we must roll with the punches. I don't think I coul go back to the research days with just using books. I need both.